Mar 13, 2022Liked by Skitch Mitchell

Our hearts when aligned with the King’s scream for justice to rule. When we see injustice our new creation hearts want to set things aright. The temptation is to harm or destroy the unjust perpetrators. The King says revenge is his to take care of as He proclaims I WILL repay. I don’t see the same warning in caring for the unjustly treated. We are encouraged to care for the weak, serve the poor, visit those in prison, pray for the sick, love our neighbor using the greatest gift of Love. So no matter when one enters the traffic circle of life…at 6 or 3 or 9 or even when driving backwards to enter the circle at 12, the safest way to navigate that circle is to enter with eyes wide open with discernment, wisdom, in the Holy Spirits power with hearts of a servant filled with the King’s love.

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Speaking as a bold, assertive driver who grew up in a highly congested area, I love the traffic circles here because I can find my way into them almost immediately. I won't cut people off, but "not enough space" for some is often "an opening to get in" for me. I think that traffic circles work much better in localities whose drivers are accustomed to making space for themselves – and expect others to make space for themselves as well.

To your bigger question, however, that of righting unintentional injustice when it is within my power to do so, I believe that yes, we ought to right injustice, whether intentional or otherwise. It's one of the ways we go about our Father's business. However, that brings up other questions: is what I see as "injustice" merely lack of fairness? What defines injustice – the absence of an equal opportunity, or something greater? Does justice demand access for everyone in all circumstances? Are some circles rightfully exclusive? A broader question: if I see something as unjust, is it my responsibility to help others see it the same way?

My tendency is to idealistically seek justice when I see injustice. That is why I ask the questions above of myself, to make sure I'm actually seeking justice rather than just my preferences.

I'm interested to hear an exposition of your meaning here: "And what inner circles am I about to enter thoughtlessly, at the expense of my three o'clock friends? What circles do I want to enter, but can’t, because I am unable to call out to my nine o'clocks who don't see or care that I'm stuck?"

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